tiny self-love jar
Tiny Self-Love Jar
Look at this. This is my tiny self love jar, one of the first jar spells I made myself a few years back. I was still very much healing my witch wound at the time. I was afraid to be too loud with it, stopping me from fully loving myself because I was still Carrying around a significant amount of shame for practicing among other things. Trying to come out of the broom closet.
Now after much growth and shadow work I have outgrown this tiny jar. I am comfortable in my own skin and I love myself. You don't have to be a witch, you don't even have to follow a spiritual path but if there is one thing you learn to do in your lifetime, learn to love yourself.
You are the only person you will be with 24/7. We spend so much time learning about other people, listening to others that we forget the very centre of our universe is us. Connect with yourself.
Contact us for tips on how to do this. It's more than worth the time. I promise.